Assalamalaikum, beauts! ✋ So, it's almost 4 in the morning rynow , but i am still writing this for the heck of it ✌ Okay, mam.I must admit , i have a thing for British beauty.The reddish/blonde mane like hair, rosy cheeks, pale white skin are pure love. Anne Hathaway much?( Oh, the mighty accent ❤) No, don't make a racist out of me, lol. I am a hardcore admirer of beauty , i seriously cannot manifest this whole mediocre idea of being `ugly'. I thing every living entity -animals , humans , sea bugs and insects are all beautiful in their own form.Subhan'ALLAH 💗 Butttt, i've always loved and adorned natural beauty.I honestly think you don't need to cake up your face to look beautiful , (so,chill) just a little would do ! Now, without any further adieu , lets talk the talk! I am a massive , massive lover of freckles and dimples. I love these , a lot , a whole lot! Although, i get a slight dimple on my left when i smile , or is it just the laugh line i ...
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